How to export all gpo settings in Excel

I would like to know how to export all GPO settings in excel, which will give details of GPO settings and its values. Please assist on how this can accomplished.

I would like to know how to export all GPO settings in excel, which will give details of GPO settings and its values. Please assist on how this can accomplished.
I've written a vbs script which exports all GPO settings to an Excel Sheet (Only Administrative Template settings).
Make sure you have Excel installed on your computer.
Use the GPMC to export a GPO to an XML file (right click policy – save report – XML file format).
Run this script a fill in the location of the XML file.
Regards Merijn
Thank you.
Hi there,
First you have to install a Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT). Now feature the Administrative Tools and enable the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). From GPMC select GPO for editing. Now go to action and select export from the drop down list. Now you can save the file as *.CSV file. But if you work on the server than this work can be done with Group Policy Management Tool (GPMT). You can get the *.CSV file in the same procedure.
There are also few scripts may be available but you have to do some more complex works to make it work. That is why I prefer to do this work in this way.
Thank you,
Riley Weaver.