How to export barcode font to zebra

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I recently downloaded a ZBar barcode reader from google play but quite haven't been able to explore all its functionalities such as how to export barcode font to zebra. Please help on the steps.

thank you.

Best Answer by Don Muench
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #165780

How to export barcode font to zebra


Dear Mr. Jimy Josef,

Hope you are well.

Please follow the following instructions which will help you with your question.

From Tools you will find Options, and choose the desired font style.

You can export the font easily after you have chosen it.

Hope that to be very helpful for you.

With my best regards,

Don Muench

Answered By 0 points N/A #165781

How to export barcode font to zebra


If ZBar barcode reader is too confusing for you, you can try other barcode scanning apps from Google Play, such as "Barcode Scanner", which supports both UPC codes (for a quick product search) and QR codes (for adding contacts, downloading etc.). With Barcode Scanner you can also search within the pages of a you scan and create custom QR codes.

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