Hi Everyone,
I really need your help for this problem of mine.
After installing the application file of Ashampoo Burning Suite 7, I promptly got an error that says
Runtime Error (at 43:8894)
Cannot open file
I have cleared some temp files that is responsible for this and rebooted, but it still won't install.
Anybody know how to fix this?

How to fix Ashampoo Runtime error?
Dear Kevin,
Ashampoo programmers have turned the program into a full suite that can handle all your data, audio and video burning and authoring tasks, without sacrificing its famous ease of use. Its a best alternative for Nero.
Try to uninstall/install the program.
Run through the process once again.
If the runtime error occurs again, maybe there is a problem in your disc where the file is located. scan the files for any malware.
If still doesn't work. upgrade your software to the latest version
Hope this will fix the problem.
How to fix Ashampoo Runtime error?
Runtime Error usually occurs when you are missing registry files or it happens due to damaged temporary files. You just need to clean your PC. Please install any registry cleaner software and you will be able to run your Ashampoo Burning Suite.
For instance you can try 'Registry Cleaner Pro' from the following website:
In case of failure uninstall your Burning Suite and run the registry cleaner. Now reinstall the Burning Suite. It will work for sure.