How to fix the error message I receive when using Microsoft Excel
When opening Microsoft Excel using the Start button or from the desktop short cut, the Windows Installer opens asking me to “Prepare to Install” and continues on to “Waiting to Configure Microsoft Office Professional Suite 2003. Once the Installer closes, I receive the message that it “failed to locate”. I receive a further error message that states “Installation Error: File not found. A required installation file SKU011.CAB could not be found”. This error message also suggests that I should insert my Microsoft Office disk into the CD drive or to click Browse if Microsoft Excel was installed over a computer network. I have encountered this problem since the last 2 days when Windows Update failed to install 2 security updates after 5 attempts. The first security update is for Microsoft Excel (KB2553072) and the second is for Microsoft Office (KB2584052). I am advised this through a new window with an error message that says “C:MSOCacheAll Users90000409-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9PRO11.MSI cannot be found” followed by a second message “The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable." I am unable to find the installation package PRO11.MSI on my computer. Can someone help me solve these issues? I appreciate any help.