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Posted on - 09/13/2011
While I was trying to open a site in the internet Explorer 6, I encountered a script error which is hard for me to fix. I have attached here the screenshot of the error and the URL that causes the problem.Is there anyone who can find me the solutions for this?
An error occurred in the script on this page
Line: 6
Char: 26
Error: Invalid character
Code: 0
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
Thank you.
How to fix Internet Explorer Script Error?
You can resolve the problem by using the below methods.Or this error might be resolved with the java virtual machine. You can download it and delete the third party browser extension and restart the computer.
Method 1
First you got to and double click on the internet explorer.
There click on the tools button
After that select the Internet option and go to advanced tab and there disable the script debugging
After all you have to restart the computer and try it again
Method 2
There is another method.You have to go to 'Run' in your computer and there give Regsvr32 urlmon.dll. And accept the message and try to open the explorer again.