What should I do when my license of Adobe CS4 Master Collection expires though it is the first time I install it and having a hard time to open any program?
Licensing for this product has stopped working,
This product has has encountered a problem which requires that you restart your computer before it can be launched.
If you continue to see, this message after restarting your computer, please contact either your IT administrator or Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the boao.n of this screen.
Error: 6
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How to fix license problem of Adobe CS4 Master Collection?
Dear Fourthsamuel,
This may have occurred due to an error during the installation process so here are some options that you can try in order to solve this problem:
Option 1.
1. Go to Control Panel > Programs > and uninstall the Adobe CS4 Master Collection.
2. Go to your C Drive (or the disk you have the CS4 installed) > Program files > Adobe folder, removed this folder and its content.
3. Reboot your computer. You may re-install your CS4 it will work just fine.
Note: 1.The ubication of "Uninstall a program" may vary according to your Operative System. 2. Make sure you remove all the files related to CS4 before the re-installation. As well as, the kind of installation that you are choosing during the process > If you have a US serial number you must choose English (US) or will not recognize it as valid.
Option 2.
1.Uninstall the CS4 (As explained above).
2.Go to Control Panel > Administrative tools > Services
3. Find Flexnet Licensing Services (usually it is on Manual).
4. Right Click and select properties.
5. Under Start Up Type turn it to automatic and start service.
6. Reboot computer an re-install the CS4
I hope this works for you, have a great day.
Lissette R.