How to fix this problem of computer not turning on

My desktop computer did not turn on. I do not know what is the cause of it. What is the most steps that can fixed this problem.
Is this a hardware malfunctioning or what?

My desktop computer did not turn on. I do not know what is the cause of it. What is the most steps that can fixed this problem.
Is this a hardware malfunctioning or what?
Dear Hamza,
There may be many reasons of it. Computer did not turn on or display output when one of its component is not working well. it is the hardware matter. If your computer do not turn on, then firstly you check its power button and also ensure that power cable is okay and passing the current to computer.
Next check the LED (Light Bulb) on motherboard. if it is on, its mean that current (Voltage) is coming to main board. If not, then it is the Power supply problem. Repair power supply from technician and then put it in computer.
Another point is that, if Voltage is coming and display in not shown on Monitor then put out the RAM from the slot, insert new RAM in Slot, press the processor softly, check video graphics Card.
Computer is the relation of its component. If one of the component is in fault / out of order, computer can not perform well. So, it is essential to check your hardware components deeply.
The possible problem here is a computer hardware component's malfunction. It may hard to pinpoint the exact cause but you'll need to work with it.
Identify which equipment is not working is a bit hard. But first you'll need to start by checking the physical connection.
Physical connections such as the power cord, cables from CPU to monitor to power source. All has to be check and if it's all secured then you have to check the computer fan next.
Fan has to be functioning and spinning non-stop. If it's not working then chances are, computer wont turn on. This has to be check, cleaned and or replaced. Worst thing might happen is a hardware failure inside, such as RAM, Processor and other components needed to st-up computers.
Best thing is, to let this computer check by an experts. They know what they're doing and for sure, they'll find remedies in solving it.
Disconnect everything connected to the computer. This includes anything connected to the usb ports (except the keyboard perhaps) and internal expansion cards like graphics cards and disconnect your optical drives as well. Turn the computer on, if it turns on, then it's one of the disconnected components that's the culprit. Try connect them back one by one to isolate the problem. If it does not turn on, check if there's a LED light turned on in your motherboard. If there is, then that should at least confirm there's power in your system. Try disconnecting your memory modules, all of them. Your computer should give you beep error codes signifying the absence of the memory modules. If there are no beep codes, your motherboard may need replacement. If you get beep codes, try placing back your memory modules one by one until the computer turns on. This means you need to replace one or all your memory modules.
Thank you. Hope it helps.
Clair june
I am glad that there is a thread the same as my problem. Thanks,  Nicki T . I found out that the problem is regarding my hard drive. Thanks.