I am working on a data entry project with Microsoft Excel and I have a problem. My data comes in two long columns:
In column 1A I have: SC-
In column 1B there could be any number made of 1 to 4 digits, sometimes combined with letters (e.g. 23, 32.65b or D48)
What I want is to add the numbers and letters in column 1B to the SC- in column 1A. This may be a very tedious process if I use the F2 key to do 1 row at a time.
I want to know if there’s any way to combine the two columns in A so I get mixed numbers and letters (e.g. SC-23, SC-32.65b etc.), leaving the B column untouched.
If you have any solution, please let me know
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How to format cells in excel in all of its columns?
Hi Kristine,
To combine two columns in excel you will have to use the CONCATENATE function to do this successively, CONCATENATE function helps you in joining several text strings into a one text string. You can also use the CHAR function which help in returning the character specified by a number and the ASCII code also known as ASCII character chart has and advantage also but is more of an advantage to those working with excel 2003. Both this can help you insert characters such as line break when performing the combination. See the figure below on how you will use CONCATENATE function to your advantage.
How to format cells in excel in all of its columns?
Hallo Kristine,
Since you want to put the data that is in two columns into a single column, typing the data will be such a tedious process. But there is an easier way to consecrate the two rows without possibly having to type the data in one cell at a time.
Just select all the contents of the row that you will want to transfer its contents to the other by putting the cursor in the top most cell that has data and then drag all the way down to the last cell that has data in that column. Then go to the excel menu bar and then click on edit and then copy, or simply press control + C on the keyboard. After that go to the column where you want to paste the data, and in point the cursor in the cell down to the last cell that has data and then press Control + V on the keyboard.
You will have successfully put the data in the two columns together.
Mahesh Babu