Hi everyone,
I would like to know where or which place on a computer that I can plug in a cable, which is supposed to attach the computer to some other device that can store information. The gadget should also allow me to modify any information by use of directives. Which program should I use to do this? I would appreciate any helpful information.
How a gadget allow to modify any information by use of directives
There are many types of Bluetooth gadgets that allow wireless connectivity between PC and any other devices for utmost convenience and ease of use. So, you don’t even need to use any port or plug or cable. You can connect cell phones, headsets, MP3 devices, storage devices and any other devices of your choice to your PC using these gadgets.
How a gadget allow to modify any information by use of directives
Hi Janetsbraswell
There is no need to use a program to connect your system or any other device. Every computer system has a USB Port to connect to other devices. The main thing is that USB drivers must be installed. That's it.
You can connect your mobile phone and camera to your computer system via USB cable. You can also view and modify your contents stored in mobile phones, cameras etc.
Thank You
How a gadget allow to modify any information by use of directives
Hi Janetsbrawell,
There’s no such program or software to install to your computer or laptop to detect any devices. Because all devices have ports.
All you have to do is to plug your USB CORD at the USB PORT
Here is some the images different ports
1. it means its for monitor even through you have a laptop you can put a computer monitor on that.
2. That is for LAN what is LANÂ it is a LOCAL AREA NETWORK it is for network like you internet connection.
3. Sometimes that port is use for MOBILE. PICTURE TRANSFER. This look like
4. this port is usually used for
Web cam
card reader
8. That port is for SD Card
this SD is a disk that can be put the memory card.
memory card
 I hope I gave you some useful information.