Hi Experts,
I am having microsoft vista on my desktop.I need to get adobe flash player for ps vita.I tried to download it from the internet but could not get the correct version.Can anyone tell me the correct link to download adobe flash player.Thanks.
Dixon Eartha
How to get Adobe flash player for ps vita?
Hello Dixon,
Flash in unavailable for outside PC usage. This was ultimately the decision adobe took to stop developing flash for non-PCs, and as well Flash 12 does not contain the code that can be able to force HTML5 user on PCs. All sites have been notified to make a switch to HTML5. Therefore there is not plug-in for PS vita.
All the sites will need to switch to HTML5 or they can use to dedicated apps for each device unless they are ready to get a loss in advert based funding. The HTML5 DRM video protection which is meant to support apps like PSVita has not been finalized and that implies that PS Vita does not have HTML5 yet.