How to get Domain Controller?
We can get domain controller in two way
Using windows interface or using command line
In windows interface open the active directory user. In console tree right click on any folder and then click on find.
Or if you know which folder contain the domain controller, right click on that folder to narrow the search to that folder
Now in find you should click on computer and in role, click domain controller
If you don’t know in which folder domain controller is then click the domain you want to search in entire directory. click find now
Using command line open command prompt
Type: echo %logonserver%
Hopefully it works
The problem you having may be mainly with the network that you are working and the functions will be made mainly with DomainNameServer (DNS) and also with DHCP which is an acronym for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol sever which are generally to be referred as Active Directory with the help that is to be taken from 2003 Domain Controller Windows Server and if you get any crash at the server you can easily eradicate it with the replication by the DNS which is of primary and hope this solution helps in fixing your issue.
Good luck
Thank You.