In the Office 2003 version, by default, it is already set to calculate the duration after entering the start and end date for an activity. However in Office 2010 Version, when I enter the start and end dates it remains at 1D.
I don’t know why and what happens. I am just trying to know how to get Office 2010 to work like Office 2003. What functions should I reconfigure to calculate the time duration?
How to get office 2010 work like Office 2003
The latest version of Microsoft Office is 2010 It is similar to Microsoft Office 2003 but have advanced options. Microsoft Office 2010 is much better and it is the most updated version with complying your changing workload.
Anyhow there are many differences in version 2003 and version 2010. Microsoft Office 2003 contains only Menus & Tool bars.
While in Office 2010 have the fully customized Ribbons that replace menus and toolbars across all the products of Office 2010.
To give the answer of your question best, let me explain some features of Excel 2010. In new version Excel you can make tables to calculate working hours between 2 date/times. There is an option to specify the regular and Sat/Sun working hours and Holidays.
No need to run macros, if your system accidentally shuts down don’t worry Office 2010 will automatically save it and give you option to retrieve that file where you lost.
How to get office 2010 work like Office 2003
You really can not make Microsoft Office 2010 to work as if it is Microsoft Office 2003. They are of different version. And besides, a new version of the application is an improvement of the same but older application.
So that means how can a new version function like the older one if it is the improvement of the older one. Why would you like to use a new version if you would like it to work like the old version. Then just use Microsoft Office 2003 instead of Microsoft Office 2010.
New improvements are made with the application so that it can go with the flow with the latest technology releases today. When an application has a new version, there are parts or function in the old version that is removed in the new version.
How to get office 2010 work like Office 2003
Thanks Sharath Reddy. I know I can't make it work like Microsoft 2003. I just though that part of 2003 is better than 2010 so why do they need to improve it? I guess I just have to switch back to 2003 to have that feature again. Thanks though for your help. Thanks TechyV.