Hello experts,
How to get rid of email bomb iPhone? My iPhone was internet connected since I bought a router last week, and yesterday while surfing in the internet I got an email from an unknown person. When I opened the email content it is an email bomb and overflows on my Inbox. They are sending big volume files or a spam, can you give a solution on how to detect or get rid of those?
Thank you.
How to get rid of email bomb iPhone?
Hi Markusa Raine,
I have seen some possible solution to your problem. It is for computer, but I think that you can see some possible solution in those articles. I have attached the links of those sites that is providing the step-by-step procedures in removing the bomb mail.
Spyware 2: Mail Bombers Removal.
Antivirus download: Email Bombing Tips.
How to get rid of email bomb iPhone?
Hi Ms. Markusa Raine,
If you regularly use your mobile for browsing the internet, I would strongly suggest and more safe if you download an antivirus app. Try to download antivirus apps to Apple iTune or you can browse it on this link.
Good luck.