How to give password in Grub of the OS?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


I am a new user in Linux. I am using Fedora 14 OS. I want to protect my computer, so nobody  can enter my PC. For this reason, I gave an Admin Password. But one of my friend unlocks it, using grub. So is there anyway, that I can give password in the Grub of Fedora OS? If yes, then give me detailed information about that. Thanks.

Best Answer by Ronald Weasely
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Answered By 0 points N/A #129207

How to give password in Grub of the OS?


Yes, you can give a password in the grub of your operating system. For that, you need to know some commands. First of all, you have to know about  Terminal. There is a program in the system tools, in the Menu bar of Fedora called Terminal.

You have to open it. Then use this command:

#su login

#Password: give your admin password

Now type grub-md5-crypt command in the terminal. This will generate an encrypted password.

# grub-md5-crypt

The output will be like this:


Retype password:<ENTER-YOUR-PASSWORD>


The password is generated. Now your task will be to copy this information, to a file named grub.conf

go to /boot/grub/grub.conf and edit the file. When it opens add the password in the file as below:

password –md5 $1$NYoR71$Sgv6pxQ6LG4GXpfihIJyL0(This is no same for you)

The .conf file is like this:

default         0

timeout         5

password –md5 $1$NYoR71$Sgv6pxQ6LG4GXpfihIJyL0

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel

root           (hd0,0)

kernel        /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro



Now save the file & close it. That will do the job. Reboot your PC and try to go to grub & you will be asked for a password. Now you’re protected.

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