What is Cascading Style sheet (CSS) language and what is it used for? What are selectors? What is a CSS Box model? How does CSS help to simplify HTML ?What is specificity? Explain inheritance in the context of CSS? Name some properties which can be inherited in CSS. Name some other properties which cannot be inherited.
How has CSS resulted in a considerably simpler HTML?
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It was first developed in 1997 as a method so that web developers can describe the appearance and feel of their web pages. It was designed to permit web developers to divide or separate content from design. This way, the HTML can execute additional functions than what it was originally based on, the markup of content that is not concerned about its layout and design.
CSS didn’t become popular until the year 2000. This is when web browsers started on using more than the basic font and color features of the CSS. Currently, all major and modern web browsers support CSS1 or CSS level 1, nearly all of CSS2 or CSS level 2, and a few aspects of CSS3 or CSS level 3.
It is only a thing of the past for those web developers that don’t use CSS for their development and design of websites. It is maybe important to learn and understand CSS just like when you are learning about HTML but some say it is more important to learn CSS. I guess it depends on your requirements.