How to have SAP in mail outlook connect?

I want to have SAP be connected in my mail outlook and I'm wondering on does it need to have a new software to perform it?

I want to have SAP be connected in my mail outlook and I'm wondering on does it need to have a new software to perform it?
Hello Angelaeabram,
Follow these steps –
1. Open a Web browser window and enter the SAP Marketplace URL, currently:
2. When the Client Authentication pane shows, press the certificate to use when connecting, and select OK.
3. After that when Enter Network Password window shows ,enter your registered SAP customer user name and password in the User Name and Password fields, and click OK.
4. Select the SAP Java Connector link, and follow the installation instructions provided by SAP. When prompted, copy the .jar and .dll files to these locations:
5. Copy sapjco.jar to SYBASEUA80tomcatwebappsonepage WEB-INFlib.
6. Copy librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll to SYBASEUA80jdk1.5.xjrebin.
7. Close the Web browser.
8. Change to the SYBASEUA80tomcatwebappsonepage WEB-INFclasses directory.
9. As a backup, save a copy of the file to a different name, such as
10. Using a text editor, open the file and edit it for your environment. The SAP wizard uses information in the file to connect to your SAP system.
11. Check the documentation that comes with the JCO package for information about the 30-40 properties you can set to define a SAP connection. Specifically see the Javadocs for the JCO.createClient (java.util.Properties) method. The six most commonly used properties are included in the file as a sample (for example, jco.client.client=400).
12. Save and close the file.