How to hide LogMeIn popup notifications?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am a client providing my services for a company remotely. However, my host computer is sending me unnecessary notifications interrupting my work. I would like if someone would provide me with the instructions on how to hide logmein popup notifications.



Answered By 0 points N/A #153860

How to hide LogMeIn popup notifications?


You can disable the popup notifications from "logmein". Please follow the below instructions.

1. First you have to open the "logmein" control panel. Open it by clicking the logmein listed in the programs of your computer.(click on "start" and then "programs" from desktop).

2. Then select "options" menu from the control panel and then select "preferences".

3. After select "general settings" from the top of the page.

4. Then click on "general" and scroll down to the bottom of the page until you find "appearance" settings.

5. Disable the notification messages by checking the box to disable notifications. Then click on "ok".

6. After performing the above you won't get popup again during your remote session. To enable notifications follow the same process.

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