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0 points
Posted on - 09/25/2011
I have a wordprss web site in English that would like to convert in local language so that it can be used for unknown English of our local people, is it possible?
If possible then I need to know the system so that I can convert it.
How I can convert local language of my web site?
So you are looking for a local language, well then there are various alternatives to do it. I would suggest first of all you should try free translation. Let me give you the link its- ( You can either enter a text or the entire website there, and it will convert it in the specified language accordingly.
Another good source to convert the wordpress website into a local language is Worldlingo. The benefit of Worldlingo is that it will help you build customised translation solutions in the best way ppossible.
Here's the website for Worldlingo- (