How i can create Password in USB port

If we can put passwords to our USB ports, no one can transfer data from that USB without the correct password. You can protect your private and very confidential information from anyone by following these steps:
You can save your important files on to a USB flash drive and keep those files from unauthorized access by locking your computer’s USB port with a password. Before, there is a way if you don’t want others to use any USB flash drives on your machine by disabling the USB port right from the BIOS. This will surely prevent others from accessing and using the USB port of your computer but gives a lot of work because you need to go back and access the BIOS again every time you want to use the USB port.
But if you don’t want to do this, you can disable the USB port of your computer by denying permission to these files:
The “%SystemRoot%” is the location where the “Windows” folder is installed, usually “C:Windows”. For the complete instructions to begin disabling the USB port, see Prevent users from using USB?