Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 09/26/2011
I had a problem importing a large file in mySQL database, using the PHPMyAdmin as my interface to the database.
I am using the PHPMyAdmin version 3.3.10.
When I import about 80MB size of the file into the database, I get this error.
You probably tried to upload too large file. Please refer to the documentation for ways to workaround this limit.
I followed the documentation to fix the problem but still can't import the large file.
Answered By
5 points
How I can import large files in mySQL using phpMyAdmin?
PHPMyAdmin has the limit to import SQL data, but it doesn't mean we can't import the big file. What you need to do is, download this helper tool so you can insert your big data to your server. Download Bigdump from here:
Extract and open bigdump.php. Edit database configuration with your server data. Upload your big data and bigdump.php to your new folder on the server. Run bigdump.php from your browser, select the file you want to import from the list of your working directory. Don't close your browser while importing your database run. After import finishes, remove bigdump.php and your dump data from your server.
More info here.