How I get help to know about Linux commands and its activities.

I want to know about commands without any help from an instructor. Is there any help from Red Hat Linux Operating system?

I want to know about commands without any help from an instructor. Is there any help from Red Hat Linux Operating system?
Hi Williams,
Red Hat Linux Operating System has own tools to get help to know new commands. So you don’t need instructor supports anymore. You can find some helping commands like a man, whatis, –help etc.
Here I am leaving some examples below. Hope it can work.
#man cal (It shows you about cal command activities)
# whatis cal (It shows you about cal command activities)
# cal –help (It shows you about cal command activities)
All they are about same commands.
Britnu Salu
Dear user,
People may say learning Linux will be the hardest thing if you are new to the system,
But you can always Google for it and learn about it. Since you are asking particularly about Linux commands I will post some website links below so you can go there and learn about them with examples.
And below is another website where you can learn Linux from scratch. Try this too
Thank you