How to increase your site traffic

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Dear Techyv Friends,

I am a fresh SEO and would like to have tips on, How to increase your site traffic, Please do the needful for helping me by providing tips on that which can be done for free through the internet, Waiting to hear from expert SEO at Techyv,

Thanks and Regards,

Jane Jimenez

Answered By 0 points N/A #138153

How to increase your site traffic


There many ways to increase traffic to your site, some costly and others not.but you want that which is free and here is the list.

  1. Optimize your website to be  search engine friendly.
  2. Title,head,header HTML tags accurately tell the subject of the site.
  3. Submitting to affiliate programs
  4. Create a link
  5. Post it in forums
  6. Indulge in commenting on blogs
  7. Get an email signature
  8. Look into traffic exchanges
  9. Write articles and allow people post in their sites.
  10. Use accurate keywords
  11. Start an e-zine for your site
  12. Participate or start online discussion
  13. Post in free classified ads
  14.  Social media create an account in them

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