How to input birthdate field in Microsoft excel?
We need to count birthday field into an age field in Microsoft excel,
Which clue can we use to calculate Birth date into an age field in Microsoft excel?
We need to count birthday field into an age field in Microsoft excel,
Which clue can we use to calculate Birth date into an age field in Microsoft excel?
Dear Jorge,
To know the age of a given birth date in excel using the formula given below:
=DATEDIF(A2,TODAY(),"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(A2,TODAY(),"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(A2,TODAY(),"md")&" days"
For example see the figure below, the first column has birthdays listed and the second has the age to be calculated:
Enter = in the second cell of the Age column and paste the above formula as shown:
On the status bar you can see the formula and in age column you can see the age according to the date in column A.
Copy the same formula in all the cells and the age will be calculated accordingly.
In Microsoft excel, you can use the following method for calculating the age which related to each birthday. In this method I assumed that you want to calculate the age of the data as of 06/16/2012.
As shown in the above picture I have typed the following formula in the “D2” Cell and drag or copy the same formula to the next rows (Those are D3, D4D5 etc.). (You can see the formula it on the formula bar).
The formula is “= (C2-B2)/365”.
In order to get the above result you have to meet the following conditions.
Column B and C should be in the date format.
Column D should be in the General format.