How to insert an image in an HTML page

I started in html and when I insert an image, my image appears as a small table with across inside.
I would like you to help me please if you have any advice!!
Thank you!

I started in html and when I insert an image, my image appears as a small table with across inside.
I would like you to help me please if you have any advice!!
Thank you!
Hi, There are many ways to insert an image to the HTML file, As the Hyper Text Markup Language concern the all the process of developing web page or the application which related to operating systems are concern should be in coding or the syntax format.
Hence most of the developers or the programmers preferred to go for the templates which existing around the internet. If you serious to write the program in the HTML, you should utilize the CCS or the SSL or you can go for the XML for the application, or you should be have a right skill or the complete information to write the HTML for graphics purpose.
The just syntax can be as this
<img src="boat.gif" alt="Big Boat" /> or <img src="pulpit.jpg" alt="Pulpit rock" width="304" height="228" />
But to utilized the thing in desired way go through the fallowing link
Here are the steps to let you insert an image to your page:
This is an example of an image tag: <img src=”image.gif”/>, where “img” means image and “src” means source. The image source has to be the web address of the picture or the image. Most often than not, you just have to type or encode the image’s filename similar to this: <img src=”image.gif”/>
However, images do not have to always be in .gif format; files in .jpg format can be used as well as these two are the most common file extensions that are being used on the internet. It is suggested that images in different file formats be converted to either .gif or.jpg by using any of the photo editing programs available online.
One of these programs is Paint Shop Pro. In any case the image you want to use is not located in a any of your HTML document, you can just link it by using the image’s full address.
Thus, if your image can be found, you just have to use this URL as the image source: <img src=””/>
There are many ways to insert an image in HTML.
Use the <img /> tag to place an image on your page. <img /> tag does not require a formal ending tag.
<img src="sunset.gif" />
HTML – Image Height and Width Attributes
<img src="sunset.gif" height="50" width="100" />
The source attribute (src) is URL value and should point to the directory location of an image file.
You can access this URL to get more idea.