How to install an application on a nokia c3

I wanted to install the new Whats App application on my phone and I need some assistants on how to do this can anyone help me.

I wanted to install the new Whats App application on my phone and I need some assistants on how to do this can anyone help me.
Well, you first need to see if the Whats App is available for your device. First go to this website and see if your phone is not listed in the unsupported carriers list. If it is not then you can proceed further.
Go to their website; download the executable file of the application and save it to your computer.
Now connect your phone on a mass storage mode and copy paste the downloaded file to your memory card.
Once copied, disconnect the phone and browse from the file menu to that part of the memory card where you put the copied file.
Simply click the file and it will start the installation.
Another alternative will be to sign up on the OVI store of Nokia and download the application from there.
If you have a Nokia C3 and you are wondering if you can install WhatsApp, yes you can. Fortunately, your handset model is one of the few series 40 Nokia phones that can use the application. To download and install it on your phone, visit WhatsApp Nokia S40 Phones. Use your mobile phone to visit the page and not using a web browser on your PC.
You will not be able to download the app if you use a PC. The series 40 version of WhatsApp supports the following Nokia models: Nokia C3-00, Nokia C3-01, Nokia X2-01, Nokia X3-02, Nokia X3-02.5 [Refresh], and Nokia X2-00. For Nokia Asha, it requires Nokia Asha 201, 205 Chat edition, 206 single SIM, 208, 210, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 515, 500, 501, 502, 503, and 230.
The use of the WhatsApp Messenger service is free for 1 year. Beyond that, you can purchase the service for a very cheap amount of $0.99 USD per year. For Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and other handsets, visit WhatsApp Download.