How to Install Driver Multi l8 on Linux Ubuntu

I am using Linux Ubuntu as OS. I want install driver multi I8 on my PC. Can anyone help me with the detailed procedure. It will really help me.
Thanks in advance.

I am using Linux Ubuntu as OS. I want install driver multi I8 on my PC. Can anyone help me with the detailed procedure. It will really help me.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Kurt Baclig,
I can not understand what driver you are looking for but Linux systems are different than Windows. All modern drivers are built-in into the Kernel which is the heart of Linux. Most commonly you only have to install your Graphic Card drivers on your system that runs Linux and they are provided for free installation through an update in Ubuntu. Apart from that, if you need support for a product that isn't widely known by the Linux Community you will need to check if the hardware you have has support for Linux. If not, then there is no driver for it.
P Vhilary