How to install fedora 15 packs Desktop for Windows 64bit?

Unable to install fedora 15 packs Desktop for windows 64 bit. I am not getting any error message either.
I downloaded the file from the Fedora website for installation.

Unable to install fedora 15 packs Desktop for windows 64 bit. I am not getting any error message either.
I downloaded the file from the Fedora website for installation.
After some research on the internet I found that fedora 15 packs Desktop can be downloaded from its official website.
You can download the fedora 15 packs Desktop which is compatible with your operating system.
To go to the website and download fedora 15 packs Desktop click on the link.
Thank you.
Fedora 15 is already an old version and since upgrading to the latest release costs you nothing then I would suggest that you upgrade your present version to the latest, Fedora 18 Desktop Edition.
You can download the Live Media installation CD from here. The download file is quite big since it is an installation CD. The Live CD ISO image is around 916 MB.
Fedora is a Linux-based platform which can be installed as an additional operating system to supported platforms: Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X.
To install Fedora 18 Desktop, you only need a blank DVD disc or a USB flash drive that has more than 1 GB available space, at least 768 MB of RAM, 10 GB available hard drive space, and a 64-bit compatible computer. If you are wondering on how to install it, you may visit here to learn the complete instructions on how you can install it on your computer.