Asked By
Ian M Tyner
10 points
Posted on - 05/07/2013
Greetings Techyv members. Please tell me how to install hatch Autocad to Mac osx? What is the process for this? Please include an overview of the software as well. I would also appreciate if you will give me some of the issues that are to be encountered if there is any. I'm looking forward for your response.
How to install hatch autocad to mac osx?
AutoCAD for Mac OSX offers to install two libraries the 365 Hatch Pattern and the Wood and Stone Hatch Patterns. This too is easy to install just follow the instruction given below:
Installing Wood and Stone Library:
1. First, you need to copy the Acad. pat file and browse “~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/roaming/AutoCAD 2011/R18.1/enu/Support/”
2. Locate the Acad. pat file and rename it as Acad-pat. old
3. You need to copy the original arcade. pat file into folders that you browse.
Installing 365 Hatch Pattern Library:
1. Create a new folder under (~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/roaming/AutoCAD 2011/R18.1/enu/Support/Hatch” then save the 365 Hatch Pattern library in this folder.
2. After setting up the hatch patterns, you can now use it by choosing it in the Custom Tab which can be seen in Hatch Pattern Dialog.