How to install memcache over ubuntu server ?

I'm using Ubuntu Server and have Apache with php5 all running nice. I have installed: apt-get install php5-memcache. I also have memcached installed: apt-get install memcached. Memcached is running fine, I checked with netstat -tap. I want to use memcached from php scripts. I entered $memcache = new Memcache; in a php script and of course I get an error about the Memcache object. Next, pretend like I a complete noob and tell me step by step how to get php to communicate with memcached. I found this blurb in the php memcached page:
So, the steps:
First – ./configure with –enable-memcache. This should show in your phpinfo() at the top (even though nothing of the memcache extension works yet).
either pecl install memcache
download the source
tar -xzvf [thesourcetarball]
make install
Finally: Add to your php.ini. (If you don't have one, it should go in the root of where php is called ie., /usr/local/lib)
1) Memcached does not show up in my phpinfo(). I have no idea how or where to configure php to support memcached. How do I do this?
2) Is there a php.ini script by default install on Ubuntu Server? If so where is it located please.
3) Anything else I need to know?