I use Linux Ubuntu, which version of Skype is suitable for Ubuntu and how to install it?
How to install Skype on Linux?
Here are the Steps in installing Skype on Linux:
Go to System, Administration and then click Software Sources.
Under Software Sources, Click the Third Party Software Tab.
Click Add type.
https://www.skype.com/en/get-skype/ non-free in the APT line box.
Click Add Source and then, Reload.
Run sudo apt-get install Skype command.
Wait for the installation to complete.
Launch Skype by going to the application, Internet, then Skype.
How to install Skype on Linux?
Hi user,
Skype does not come as a part of the Ubuntu repositories by default. To install, you will need to first add its repositories.
Follow these steps to install Skype:
1) Go to System > Administration > Software Sources.
2) Click Third-Party Software tab.
3) Add Skype repository by clicking Add.
4) Type the following line in the APT line box.
5) Click Add Source.
6) Click Reload.
7) Run this command in terminal. “Sudo apt-get install Skype” (without quotes).
Allow the installation to complete,
Now launch Skype from Application > Internet > Skype.
Problem solved.
How to install Skype on Linux?
That's cool Sabinjamal. Now I'm using Skype. It is very useful way of communicating. Thanks to you I was able to install it right.