I am building a website where people can go and buy things with their debit or credit cards. I would also like to add an option for customers to pay via PayPal. What steps should I take to achieve this? How long would it take an expert to program a webpage with PayPal functionality embedded in it?
How to Integrate PayPal into Your Webpage
It is quick easy to integrate PayPal to a website and PayPal is a secure and free tool for payment gateway. It just charges little for accepting some valid transaction. To install PayPal you need to follow some instruction  given below.
Check out this image to understand the work flow of PayPal.

This image clears each and everything.
First of all you need to create an account on PayPal so when you need to submit a PayPal Id, You will be able to give.
Now design a Payment page in your online store and show PayPal as payment method with radio buttons.
Then follow the next instructions properly issued by PayPal in this PDF.
Check out here : How to Integrate PayPal Into Your WebpageÂ