How to JavaScript in a html file?

I am new to Javascript and I just wrote a simple code as a beginner but I don't know how to write a code in HTML file.
If anybody know about this then that would certainly help me.Thanks in advance.

I am new to Javascript and I just wrote a simple code as a beginner but I don't know how to write a code in HTML file.
If anybody know about this then that would certainly help me.Thanks in advance.
Hey Jovan Clayton!
JavaScript is very important in web designing. Now days every website is java based. You can learn JavaScript easily. It is not so difficult. I would like to recommend you a website that has the free tutorial for JavaScript and HTML.
You can go to the following link that will help you in learning JavaScript.
I also have learned JavaScript from the same website. This website is easy and you can also check whether you are writing the right code for JavaScript or not.
I hope this website will help you a lot
Tunacao Caaron.