How to Know your website is Website Secured

Web pages that are asking for sensitive information such as bank account numbers and others should be secured, since this information are being transferred from computer to another in plain text which means that anyone can read and understand them. To know whether these websites are secured or not. You must remember these 2 important things:
First, on the page where it requires you type in your username and password or any other sensitive information, the address should begin with HTTPS and not just HTTP.
Second, look for the lock icon somewhere in the web window of the browser, (not in the web page display area) Internet Explorer displays it in the lower right corner, while Firefox displays it in the lower left. When you click or double click this lock icon it should display the website's security information.
Normally, when a website is created the normal connection that it uses is HTTP and this is the standard method of connecting to any website around the world. This is the standard, and of course, the most insecure way of accessing information in any website available on the web. This doesn’t matter if you are only browsing for something and doesn’t exchange sensitive information with the website like your personal bank account number, credit card number, and other sensitive stuffs.
If your website is not selling anything or doesn’t require exchanging of sensitive data, this would be alright. But if you are selling something on your website, you must enable your site to use SSL to enable your website to be accessed as HTTPS when exchanging information with its users. SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is required in enforcing the HTTPS connection with your website. For the complete guide on how making this possible, please visit Microsoft| Support | How to enable SSL for all customers who interact with your Web site in Internet Information Services.