How lock a file from being copied via USB port?

Am using windows xp SP3, I have some vital confidential data which I don’t want to be accessed by any one, how can I lock a file from being copied via the USB cable?

Am using windows xp SP3, I have some vital confidential data which I don’t want to be accessed by any one, how can I lock a file from being copied via the USB cable?
Dear Anna W Brown,
Try M File Anti-Copy 5.2; it’s a software design to prevent anyone to copy specific files and folders by your choice. Aside of having the function anti copy, it also has an anti-read and anti-delete functions which protects your files and folders if anyone wants to delete them. It’s a very useful tools for someone to anyone who wants there files secured.
Even though you have restricted copying files into a USB drive still user can delete modify or even upload those files to a location on the internet and download them later. So there are many ways that the other users can obtain your personal data. The easiest thing you can do is create a administrator account on your windows only for you and let others login to the computer using another account with limited permissions.
You can add your personal data into one folder and modify the permissions of that folder as only the administrator can view or modify them. Go through the below article to get some very good solutions for your issue.