I have  questions about asp net batch file I really need a pointers on how to run batch file that launches a series of automation tests  on QTP. The  batch  file  contains  a vbs  script path  and it takes three  parameters. Each  time  someone  needs to run the  automation, I have to do this manually. What is the best way to achieve what I want?
Thank  you so much.
How to lunches asp net batch file
Hello Dominqedustyy,
If you want to run a batch file on asp.net then you have to follow some of the steps so that you can get it executed. You have to use system diagnostics and after that you have to place the following code there.Â
string Path = Server.MapPath(".") + "\Jon.bat";
The above file contain the location of your root directory. After that you have to run the following code to run the file.Â
ProcessStartInfo processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(str_Path);
processInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
Process batchProcess = new Process();
batchProcess.StartInfo = processInfo;
How to lunches asp net batch file
With QTP or Quick Test Pro, a test cannot be run by calling C:Program Files (x86)HPQuickTest ProfessionalbinQTPro.exe "C:Some Test" directly. Your other option could be to create a small VBS file. When that VBS file is called, it can run any arbitrary QRT test so you don’t have to create a batch file every time you want to perform a test.
You may execute a command like cscript.exe "C:RunThisTest.vbs" "L:Test PathThe Test Itself"
You may download the code below:
How to lunches asp net batch file
Test automation is the use of special software (separate from the software being tested) to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outomes to predicted outcomes. There is the so called Multi Test Manager (MTM). A tool which supports QTP. It allows you to list batch tests including your notes and schedule the test auto mation execution. Just follow the steps in the Installation Guide.