How to Mac PDF resize

I have PDF files.
I am using a mac and I having problem resizing the document for a better view.
Is there any software to do that?
Do I even need a software for this?

I have PDF files.
I am using a mac and I having problem resizing the document for a better view.
Is there any software to do that?
Do I even need a software for this?
Hello Abigail. era!
Thanks for your question.
Here, I am giving a software link for PDF resizing by which you will be able to inform to solution your PDF files for Apple Mac.
Here, you will get two good paid software, or two free software also, as your need, just download the software.
Then install it in your Mac operating system.
Here, you will get PDFPen and Adobe Acrobat Professional 9 for paid software, and Skim and Scribus as free of charge.Â