How to make and combine tile maps? Does it include any 3d animation when constructing this kind of design or just a matter of stylistic methods are applied? It was just very amazing to see how it works and been created. Your answers are considered as a key. Thanks.Â
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
How to make and combine tile maps?
First, on the matter of dealing with all these tilemaps: should I include all the tmx files, or should I put the encoded data of each into a plist, to be inserted into an XML string? I'll have around 20 tilemaps of ~10×10, each with 3 layers.
Then, and more importantly, to combine them, is the only way to make a separate CCTMXTiledMap for each and align them (and also separate CCTMXLayers for each CCTMXTiledMap's layers)? Can I convert each to a 2d array of GIDs, then use the TMXGenerator (I'm shaky at best on how it works)? The best solution for me would be to have them all in one CCTMXTiledMap, but I don't really know how to make that happen.