How to make global configuration packet tracer
Dear Experts,
I want to know, how can we make global configuration packet tracer com ISDN? I have tried a lot but could not succeed, please write in detail.
Dear Experts,
I want to know, how can we make global configuration packet tracer com ISDN? I have tried a lot but could not succeed, please write in detail.
For example if you want to establish a network that can carry both data and voice traffic over the same media you most probably want to choose the Cisco 2600 or 3600 Â voice interface cards.
As a case study consider the network layout in the diagram
        I.           ISDN- Integrated Services Digital Network
       II.           BRI- Base Rate Interface
     III.           PSTN- Public switched telephone network
     IV.           VIC- Voice interface card.
      V.           PBX –Private Branch Exchange
In your configuration you will need to establish
1.      BRI (base rate interface) characteristics
2.      Define global parameters on each device
3.      Configure all the interfaces with appropriate IP details
4.      Finally configure VoIP on dial peers
To establish these sets of configuration please visit the following website for a worked out example