How to make java loader MySQL import plain text

Hi, I need help. I need java loader MySQL to import my data into plain text. How could i possibly make this happen?

Hi, I need help. I need java loader MySQL to import my data into plain text. How could i possibly make this happen?
Hi Namat Jiraalbert,
As i searched the internet and Google for some possible solutions to your concern, I have viewed a site that provides a lot of tutorial that may help you in finding the best solution with your concern. I have attached the link of the said site below:
Roseindia: Tutorial: Mysql Loader Tutorial
Hope that would be helpful.
On this link: you can find tutorial how to make mysql database and import information from that database into your java application. Now, when you get your information, make jTextArea as place where you would save your imported data. This is simple, it is all explained in this tutorial so you just need to change the names of variables you are using.