Hello all, I am using MS PowerPoint 2007 in my system, Is there any option that will make PPT image to blow inside the presentation. Please do let me know whether there is any blow image or text option, that will give an effect of blowing. If so please guide me about how to do the mentioned effect in PPT.
How to make PPT image to blow
Hi Aracelirystal,
This is definitely something possible with PPT 2007.
Here is the step by step to do so:
In "Insert" Onglet, click on "Picture"
A new window will open and you should browse for the picture you want to add.
Once done, go on "Animation" Onglet, select the picture you just added and then click on "Add Animation" and choose the animation you prefere.

Kind regards,
How to make PPT image to blow
You can make PPT image in the presentation by using MS PowerPoint.
You can find the procedure here
Yes, there is a blow image or text option, that can give an effect of blowing.
For this check it out
Hope this will help you. Regards.
How to make PPT image to blow
Adding a perfect effect of exploding or blowing up images to your PowerPoint Presentation is quite far from being possible, but here are 5 easy steps to make it near to being possible.
Step 1: Insert picture either from the File, Clip Art, or inserting Auto Shapes.
Step 2: Then Right click on the picture you have inserted and click on Custom Animation.
Step 3: Click Add Effect > Exit > Dissolve Out
Step 4: Add another effect: Click Add Effect > Exit > Zoom
Step 5: In the Custom Animation section, change/modify the Zoom setting by changing ‘Start: “On Click” to “With Previous” and Zoom: “Out” to “In”.