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0 points
Posted on - 09/25/2011
Anna is a bookkeeper. She lives in a western country. It's very popular in their area using this "ñ" symbol. When she's encoding data she found that most of the names on the list have "ñ" symbol. To make her work easier, she wanted to know about how to make the symbols of ñ and Ñ using the keyboard.
Answered By
0 points
How to make special N using your keyboard
This is really a very attractive symbol. It can be made by different ways. While using the MS Word it can be made by this method.
Click Insert on the menu bar.
Click symbol.
In the subject line select Latin-1 supplement.
Select this symbol and click insert.
The required symbol will be inserted and formatted as required.
Hope it helps.
How to make special N using your keyboard
There are letters that's not included in the keyboard keys, like ñ and Ñ. It originate in Spain and mostly used as part of their name. This letter is widely used also in the Philippines because this country was colonized by Spaniards for 333 years way back in early 1521. These are considered ASCII codes, which the only way to get these letters is by using combination of keys. Below is the steps on how to get this letter.
Small ñ – Press and hold Alt + 164
Big Ñ – Press and hold Alt + 165
These commands is a little bit tricky because a novice users might have limited information about ASCII code, what to press, when they want to include these letters in their notes. The instructions above is pretty simple. I hope this helps. B
How to make special N using your keyboard
We need to press and hold the "alt" key while pressing 164 on your NUM keys located at the right side of the keyboard…