How to Mix Portrait to Landscape Slides into a Presentation
After searching the internet for a solution, I haven’t managed to find out how I can mix Portrait and Landscape slides into a presentation. Could anyone please help me?
After searching the internet for a solution, I haven’t managed to find out how I can mix Portrait and Landscape slides into a presentation. Could anyone please help me?
Hi Dominic,
Powerpoint can only display presentation either in portrait or in landscape however, there is a workaround for this. However, this will entail you to create two presentations, one in landscape and one in portrait orientation. All with landscape is grouped together in one presentation and then other for portrait. Then you can link them together and call each presentation when needed. Time consuming at its best, but if you really like to make an impression then this can be a great way of presenting using poewrpoint.
Hi Dominic,
For you to be able to do it, you need to create a different presentation with Portrait slides and another with Landscape slides. And then you have to link them both into one presentation.
1) You have to create a link from the first presentation to the second presentation:
2) Click any object or text that you wanted to be linked to the second presentation.
3) Go to the Insert tab then hover your mouse down to the Links then select Action.
4) You can either choose the Mouse Click tab between Mouse Over tab, then you click Hyperlink To. Then, select an Other PowerPoint Presentation.
5) Browse and search for the second presentation then click Ok.Â
6) Then to the other tab, click Hyperlink To and select Slide. Below Slide Title, choose any slide or text you want to be linked and click Ok.
7) You have to create another link from the second presentation to the first presentation.
8) Select any slide or text that you want to be linked to the first presentation.
9) Do the same step in Step 3.
10) Do the same step in Step 4.
11) Browse and search for the first presentation then click Ok.
12) Do the same step in Step 6.Â