Hello TechyV!
Can anyone please tell me the significance of an aged domain name? Is it still preferable to buy an aged domain? How much is the aged domain names value for now? Would you still recommend the use of Aged domain? If yes, can you please explain your reason? What is the difference of using the aged domain names with the new domain names? Please help me guys! I really need an expert’s advice on this.
How much is the Aged Domain Names Value?
Old domain names in the past, before Google changed their search algorithms the age of domain names used to factor in how the domain was ranked in the search results. However, with the advent of social media, Google and other search engines realized that the best way to gauge the helpfulness of content was to study how people interacted with the content on social media. That is, the more a news story, product review or article was shared on Facebook, tweeted, pinned, stumbled, etc., would mean tacit endorsement of the product, information contained in an article and so on and naturally would therefore be ranked higher.
That's why whilst a web-site might be relatively new, it one of it's pages could even be on page one of Google if for example it went viral on say Facebook. Many search engines, Google for instance doesn't use the age of a domain to rank it in its search results.
Rather what matters is relevancy, reputation of the web-site (which you have to build yourself), the ease of navigating the site, how regularly content is updated on the site, among other factors but those are some of the most important.
Using an old domain name therefore might not be worth its cost and in fact if the domain had previously been used for illegal purposes it means that your web-site won't appear at all in the search results if it was blacklisted by Google or any other search engine. Of course you could check the history of a domain by using Way Back Machine
But then whether you are using an old or new domain name to rank high in any search engine would require:
1 Great, helpful content.
2 On-site SEO
3 Web-site promotion.
In the long run what counts is the effort you put into creating great content and promoting your web-site that will get you the result you seek. But remember nothing happens overnight.