How much percent of online users use faceBook?

Does any one can tell me how much % of senior online users use facebook and how about teenagers and kids? Detail information is required..

Does any one can tell me how much % of senior online users use facebook and how about teenagers and kids? Detail information is required..
 Facebook is the most popular community site and the number of facebook users is increasing day by day. Thus it is very hard to tell the exact user’s percentage.About 13% of facebook users are senior while it is estimated that 70% of facebook users are teenagers. 38% of kids using facebook are said to be under 13. The growth of facebook users are increasing day by day. Following are the statistics of facebook users in March 2012.
Europe —– 232,835,740
Asia —– 195,034,380
North America —– 173,284,940
South America —– 112,531,100
Central America —– 41,332,940
Africa —– 40,205,580
Middle East —– 20,247,900
Oceania / Australia —– 13,597,380
Caribbean, the                       6,355,320
World Total                835,525,280
Facebook is really on its steady climb to 100 million active users every month. In December 2009, there are almost 5 million users who joined the site increasing the total to 103 million monthly active users from 98.1 million monthly active users. It is women who continue to comprise the sole major demographic group particularly younger women within the United States.
Overall, women compose more than 56 percent of the general population in Facebook. In a survey done in January 1, 2010, here is the breakdown of the Facebook population according to age and gender: