I received an AutoCAD drawing which was created on a PC and is in dwf format, it was a drawing forwarded towards me by a friend , I don't have AutoCAD in my system instead I have illustrator will it help to open dwf file, Please suggest on how to open dwf with illustrator.
How to open dwf with illustrator
You can open dwf file with illustrator.dwf file format is native format for computer aided design(CAD)
Follow this steps and you will able to open dwf file in illustrator.
1.      Open Adobe illustrator in your pc.
2.      Click on file and open .
3.      Now select the dwf file in the dialogue box and open it.The file will open within illustrator and you will be able to open and edit the file.
How to open dwf with illustrator
To open a dwf (design web format) on Windows, you'll need to right-click on the file, select "Open with" and select on Adobe Illustrator and click 'ok'. If it fails to open you will need to acquire the Autodesk Design Review software.
You can also download some free dwf viewers which are available online.
You can get one such free viewer from the BravaViewer website.