Hello experts,
How to open pdb on mac?
What is the software or application to be use in opening such pdb file?
Share with me your experiences on opening files through a specific software.
Give me the best software to be downloaded over the internet which is compatible to mac operating system.
Thank you.
How to open pdb on Mac?
My dear,
I am desperately trying open an MDB file on my Mac.
After following your instructions and opening up the ODBC manager, then click on the DSM system.
Clicking on the Windows asks me to choose from the following drivers.
You should visit this website:
How to open pdb on Mac?
Hi Kristen,
As Apple is a very exclusive product, there's not a lot of applications that they allow to work on their operating systems.
However, there are free third party software that works perfectly in the opening .pdb files such as PorDiBle, ISiloX, and Calibre. You need to install any one of them to your MAC computer first.
Once you've installed the software, you can connect your palm to your computer. Just click on the PDB converter program you chose and follow the instructions on converting it.
Then you can download a PDB Reader software to your computer such as PDB Viewer or Swiss PDB Viewer. You can now connect your palm to your computer and open the PDB reader you chose. You should be able to view your file easily.
If you want to avoid any installation, you can always convert your PDB files from free online converters such as
https://www.cometdocs.com/, zamzar.com, https://www.freefileconvert.com/, or convertfiles.com.
Hope this would work for you dear, Cheers.
How to open pdb on Mac?
You can open PDB files on MAC by using “PdbViewer” and this software is compatible to MAC operating system.
Here is the link to download.
How to open pdb on Mac?
Hello Kristen James,
My pleasure to help you. The mean of PDB is Program DataBase.
MS Visual Studio, Palm Pilot, Pegasus and Quicken Database files are typically installed with PDB.
PDB files run by different programs are normally saved in a proprietary format.
It’s mean that files can be open with the program what they were installed. In this operation I recommend you The Adobe PDB Reader.
In this task I am sure that my instruction will be helpful for you.
Thank you.