How to open a .pkg file on Windows?

As the message title suggests i want to know how to open a file with ".pkg" extension on windows.
And thank you .

As the message title suggests i want to know how to open a file with ".pkg" extension on windows.
And thank you .
Hey Jayson!
The file extension you mentioned above is .pkg.
These extension files are built on a Xar format. All the contents of .pkg are designed for the applications installed in MAC.
However you can not run this type of file on any Windows (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows8, etc)
This file is also use to create the Symbian files (.sis) which are the application of Symbian mobiles
Hope that i have clear your view about .pkg file
Tunacao Caaron
Hello Jayson,
The ".pkg" is an extension for the package of compressed installer files that are usually used to install a software program, and they are mostly used for installing applications in Mac OS X. These files may be installed individually or they can as well be referenced using an installer script which is part of the software.
The following is the procedure:
So from the information you can see that the application cannot be used on windows.
I’m not sure where you did actually get the file with the “.pkg” extension but generally, “PKG” files are 3D image files associated with Automise ActionStudio Action Design or its company, VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.
But this doesn’t guarantee that the file you have is really from this software since it’s possible that there are other applications that might be using the same extension name. To see what kind of program it is, try double-clicking on the file to see what application Windows will open.
If it doesn’t open, it means that you don’t have an application installed for it. In case it opens but with the wrong application, it means that the file is from a different program and is not associated correctly.
To fix this problem visit Solvusoft and then download FileViewPro which is designed to open “.pkg” files.
And also remember, several “.pkg” file formats can only be opened in binary format.