How to off the out put buffering in php?

Yes this is a big problem for the beginners of the PHP. This is easy. Follow the steps below:
Default Value: Off
Development Value: 4096
Production Value: 4096
output_buffering = 4096
You should change this output buffering as “output_buffering=Off”
Then save it. Now the output_buffering is off.
It seems that you are having a hard time disabling the output buffering in PHP. You can turn off or disable the output buffering or “output_buffering” by going to the php.ini file and editing its content and then setting this value:
output_buffering = Off
Open the php.ini file using notepad then search for “output_buffering”. Replace or change the value with either On or Off. You should also remember that “output_buffering” may appear in several places. The line you need is the one that says "output_buffering = On", assuming that you want to turn off the output_buffering.
To find the php.ini file, left-click on the WAMPSERVER icon on the system tray then mouse over to PHP folder then select php.ini to edit the file.