How to overclock my graphics card

I have recently bought a sapphire HD 7770 graphics card but having trouble overclocking it .
Can you tell me in details how can I overclock my graphics card ?

I have recently bought a sapphire HD 7770 graphics card but having trouble overclocking it .
Can you tell me in details how can I overclock my graphics card ?
First of all let me tell you that overclocking is not safe all the time and can even make you graphic card useless a more generic term for which is "brick'. Now even if you want to proceed you can pick any of overclocking software as many are available on internet for overclocking this card. However I would strongly recommend to stay with the ATI default overclocking option named as ATI OverDrive. This tool is can be located at AMD's Website if not installed yet. This handy tools give you almost complete control over your card and allowing you to push it to the limits. It allows you to optimize performance and control its cooling/acoustic characteristics. The options in the panel are self explanatory and also have a help menu above for further understanding of each option.