Hello expert, I am using Samsung Galaxy s5830. I need to download Galaxy ace and how can I perform a galaxy ace firmware update under Mac? Please can you help me in that process?
How to perform a galaxy ace firmware update under Mac
Hello Bernard!
As you are trying to upgrade your firmware software of your galaxy s5830, so it is very critical situation while trying to update your phone.
Note that:
You phone is fully charged, because it is compulsory to keep your phone turned on while updating your firmware software.
Take these steps to update your firmware software
Firmware Update Steps:
Run Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace Downloader.
Select OPS file : Cooper_v1.0.ops in his field.
Click BOOT button and select: APBOOT_S5830xxxxx_xxx…._user_low_true.tar.md5
Click Phone button and select: MODEM_S5830xxxxx_xxx…._REV03.tar.md5
Click PDA button and select: CODE_S5830xxxxx_xxx…._REV03_user_low_true.tar.md5
Click CSC button and select: CSC_S5830xxxxxx_xxx……_REV03_user_low_true.tar.md5
Put your phone into Download Mode: Press middle Key ( OK key ) + Power + Volume Down
Connect USB cable to your phone and the program must read the Com number it takes.
Click Start button and the update process will start.
Do not touch or remove anything till the device rebooted and you can see PASS word on the program.
Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace USB Drivers.
Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace Original Firmwares